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Open Minds, Open Data, Open Futures

About the Project

Improving the scaling of research-based interventions, and thus the impact of those research dollars, is a national priority. However, little is known about overcoming the barriers to implementation. Indeed, implementation often falls to school leaders because packaging, scaling, and marketing interventions are challenges that are far beyond the skill set of most academic researchers (National Academies of Sciences et al., 2022).

Open Implementation brings together district and regional leaders, research teams, developers, and data scientists to improve the implementation of research-based programs. Our goals are to:

Our Educational Leadership Council

Our thought leadership team includes district and school administrators, and instructional leaders in Riverside, OH; Canton, OH; Marysville, OH; Lakota, OH; Oberlin, OH; Park6, WY; and Marlborough, MA. Our council also includes regional leaders and state leaders, including Dr. Sarah Negrete (NV) and Rachel Daniels (OH). This collaboration underscores our commitment to leveraging local and national expertise in shaping the future of education through our platform.

Our Program Development and Research Team

We work closely with research teams who are using research to improve practice and provide equitable outcomes for students. These teams are critical thought leaders in understanding what good implementation means, how we support it, and what kind of data these research groups need to make ongoing iterative improvements to their programs. Our collaborators include:

Technical Partners